

Click to show or hide the buttons

Demo of a style adapted by the user

  • GPS track
  • Kaart
  • Route in Google Earth
  • Home

In this example we have set checkmark 'Show shadows of panels on the index page' with a shadow width of 20px and a transparency of 30%. For the three lower panels we selected the same background color #E6D4BA and this color is also used in this 4th panel made with the html code in the Index page / Footer tab:

<div class="albumDescription albumDescrBkg" style="margin-top: 30px; ">

The width the Theme image and Album description is set to 93% and the width of tthe justified-gallery panel panel is set with custom CSS code:

.justified-gallery { width: 93%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;}

Extract the project file jalbum-settings.jap from the file to see how the last panel is made.

Slide show transition: Scale up
