
How this album was made?

Just drag and drop a few images onto jAlbum's explore view, press Make album and you are good to go. Here are a few tricks we used in this album, which might be not self-explanatory.

1. Adding a theme image meanwhile exluded from the pictures?

First exclude the selected picture by right-click → Exclude or by pressing the minus key, then drag the picture onto the right panel's Theme image area.

2. Adding "About" page

Custom pages in jAlbum are separate pages, which can contain custom – textual or HTML – content. There are a few pre-defined pages, like About, About_albumContact, Map or Music, which bring up a custom user interface with relevant fields, but you can also create such a page from ground, selecting "Empty page" from the menu. Use the Add page button or right-click → New page menu to add one.

3. Adding rich text

For picture comments you can use a few basic formatting, like Bold, Italic, color, and such, but for folder descriptions and custom page contents (or comments) you can enjoy a wide range of formatting options, like text alignment, lists and even images. To fire up the rich text editor move the mouse over the comment field and click the "eye icon" or right-click → Open HTML editor.

One more tip: by switching to Details mode you get a much bigger comment area, so you can edit code comfortably.